for transportation

Natural gas is doing more to drive innovation

Natural gas is doing more to power more industries. But from innovating new technologies and energizing local economies—to reducing our dependence on foreign oil—it’s also helping us build a brighter tomorrow.

Natural gas is doing more to drive innovation
Did you know?

Did you know?

Natural gas vehicles comprise 20% of transit buses and 60% of new trash-hauling trucks, and are already serving 40 major airports.

natural gas delivers a smart alternative

natural gas delivers a smart alternative

Fill your vehicle with a smarter fuel. Natural gas is a plentiful and low-cost alternative to diesel and gasoline.

CNG/LNG is fueling american transit

CNG/LNG is fueling American transit

Natural gas vehicles are powered by compressed natural gas (CNG) or liquefied natural gas (LNG), which are more affordable, safer and more maintainable.

more affordable

more affordable

When you convert your fleet to natural gas, you’ll reduce fuel and maintenance costs for your entire fleet, amounting to long-term cost savings. NGVs are ready right now.

More advanced

more advanced

The future of fleet fueling is natural gas. Natural gas is the leading advanced fuel for fleet trucks, buses, vans and heavy equipment in the U.S. This inexpensive fuel helps improve fleet efficiency and performance with more efficient and advanced fleet fueling solutions.

more powerful

more powerful

Natural gas vehicles are powerful, affordable, durable – and ready now. No other transportation fuel is as sustainable, adaptive and competitive across all vehicle types. With natural gas, you can save on fuel and maintenance costs without sacrificing performance.

More renewable

more renewable

Renewable Gas (RNG) as a transportation fuel continues to grow. In 2021, more than half of NGV fuel use was RNG. Also, RNG use as a transportation fuel grew 13% over 2020 volumes, increasing 234% over the last five years.

More versatile

more versatile

Natural gas is also expanding more versatility across vehicle types. It can be used in all vehicles ranging from motorcycles, cars and vans to light and heavy-duty trucks, buses, lift trucks and locomotives. Even marine applications are rising as boats, barges and ships have started implementing CNG and LNG.

More available

more available

Commercially available and in production across all applications, there are more than 175,000 Natural Gas Vehicles on U.S. roads today, spanning all weight classes and vehicle applications

more abundant

more abundant

The number of natural gas stations continues to rise. There are nearly 2,000 CNG/LNG stations in the United States.

More stable

more stable

A reliable, domestic and abundant energy resource, natural gas provides long-term fuel price stability and cost savings. The vast majority—more than 97 percent—of the natural gas used in the United States is produced in North America. Because of its wide domestic availability, natural gas reduces our dependence on foreign oil.


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About Marlin Compression

Marlin Compression offers flexible fleet fueling services and convenient CNG stations, and is there to help fleet owners and single operators take advantage of all the benefits natural gas has to offer. (Marlin Compression is part of Marlin Gas Services, which was acquired in 2018 by Chesapeake Utilities Corporation (NYSE: CPK).

About Marlin Compression