Natural gas gives you more while costing less
Get more benefits every day with natural gas. From cooking like the pros on a chef-preferred natural gas range to enjoying endless hot water from a natural gas tankless water heater, natural gas does more of the work so that you can live better.

more efficiency
As a Florida Public Utilities natural gas customer, you’ll benefit from energy-efficient appliances and lower utility bills. Not to mention the opportunity to save right away with substantial energy conservation rebates.

more comfort
Get luxurious whole-home comfort with a variety of natural gas appliances. Natural gas provides more hot water, chef-preferred cooking precision, faster clothes drying and additional high-performance advantages. The more home appliances you convert to natural gas, the more benefits you’ll experience.

more savings
From one-time natural gas rebates that help offset the cost of including new appliances to continuing to save money on your utility costs month after month and year after year, natural gas gives you more while costing less. Save money, save time and save energy. Discover the savings trifecta of natural gas.

more safe & reliable
Natural gas is the fuel that does more to provide safe, reliable service. Natural gas works in power outages, so you will always be more hurricane-ready. Also, rest assured knowing FPU is delivering more safety at every step.

more American energy
Natural gas is a more efficient energy source. It’s also a smart choice for our energy future. A vital part of our nation’s energy supply, natural gas is produced right here in the U.S.—helping support and create jobs across Florida communities.